"I am a San Francisco Bay Area artist who finds pure excitement in the unexplored. Trying new techniques, breaking free from the familiar and pushing boundaries excites me.
I invite others to feel the same rush of discovery in my works."
- Gail Andersen
Select Juried Shows
“Human Presence”, Belvedere-Tiburon Library 2024
“Dreams & Nightmares”, MSA, Honorable Mention
Solo Show, Mill Valley Art Walk
“Abstraction”, MSA, 3rd Place, Gordon Studer, juror
“Bay Area Arts & Craft Exhibition”, Sausalito Center for the Arts
“A Gathering of Color”, Bay Area, Falkirk, Honorable Mention
“Celebrating Creativity”, MSA, 1st Place 2023
“California Dreaming”, Bay Area, MSA 2023
“Summertime”, Marin Society of Artists, 2nd Place 2023
“Fresh Art 2022”, MSA 2022
“Art+Words”, Marin Society of Artists, Honorable Mention 2022
“Abstract 2022”, Sebastopol Center for the Arts, International exhibit 2022
“California Mind”, Marin Society of Artists, Awarded 2nd Prize 2022
“Crazy for Art”, Marin Soc. of Artists, Awarded 2nd Prize. Julie Cohn juror 2022
“All About Women” National Show, Marin Soc. of Artists, J. Willott Gallery jurors 2021
“The Art of Recycling”, International Exhibit, Sebastopol Center for the Arts 2021
“40th Faber Birren Nat’l Show”, Stamford Art Assoc., Juror Met. Museum of Art 2020
“Summer Show”, Marin Society of Artists, Honorable Mention 2020
“Bridge to Abstraction”, Marin Open Studios at Arc Gallery, Juror Stephen Wagner 2019
Marin Open Studios 25th Anniv. Exhibit at Marin Comm. Fdn.,
Juror Micah Lebrun 2018
“Realism to Abstraction”, Hon. Mention, MSA, Juror Randall Sexton 2016
Fallkirk Fall Open 2016
“Define a Line”, Indian Valley Artists 2003
“Arts and Flowers”, Indian Valley Artists 2002
1st Annual IVA Bay Area Open, Chester Arnold, juror 2001
“Artist as Activist”, Sebastopol Center for Arts 2001
“The Urban Landscape”, Art Works, San Rafael 2001
Annual Juried Exhibit of Marin Artists, Falkirk 2001
“Art for Environmental Advocacy”, University of Oregon 2000
Reg’l Survey of Contemporary Art, Paris Gibson Sq. Museum,
Great Falls, MT 1999
30th Annual National Exhibit, Palm Springs Desert Museum 1999
North Valley Art League’s National Exhibit, Redding, CA 1999
Annual Juried Exhibit of Marin Artists, Falkirk 1999
“Healing Humor”, Marin General Hospital 1999
All California Exhibit San Diego Museum of Art, Wolf Kahn, juror 1998
Solo exhibit, Mill Valley Art Commission 1998
Annual Juried Exhibit of Marin Artists, Falkirk 1998
“Colors of Summer”, Indian Valley Artists 1998
“Personal Vision”, Indian Valley Artists 1997
“Creative Eye”, IVA, Awarded Best of Show, Chester Arnold, juror 1996
“Capture the Light, Marin Society of Artists 1996
“Creative Artist’, Marin Society of Artists 1996
Solo exhibit, Mill Valley Art Commission 1995